The article "Manipulate Cells on the iPad" was written by an educator discussing the importance of digital skills in adding the learning process for kids. The lesson makes use of the iPad to breakdown the phases of Mitosis having kids make a flip book of each stage which includes interactive video, simulation games and websites to help better understand the process. The article gives a great breakdown on the process each student goes through and how this process not only brings them together as a group but also helps get them integrated into the digital age. The lesson is broken down into three learning stations putting them in small groups, which fostered their collaboration and communication skills.
As a future educator I am very interested to see how technology will be used in the classroom. More and more we are hearing that these types of exercises foster a new type of learning in such a changing time. Kids are growing up in a technology age like none other. With new technologies, comes new challenges. I have seen first hand how this technology can help bring kids closer together and allow them to learn in a variety of styles. Learning how to work together, analyze information and help fellow classmates in crucial to the overall development of kids. I am also excited to try and implement theses techniques in a time of budgetary cutbacks where instead of being able to do a frog dissection in real life classes are moving to doing a virtual dissection. Although I think a hands on approach is better where possible, technology to could possibly allow for a more thorough and dynamic approach.
This article represents NETS standard number 2 “Teachers design, develop, and evaluate authentic learning experiences and assessment incorporating contemporary tools and resources to maximize content learning in context and to develop the knowledge, skills and attitudes identified in the NETS·S.” It also helps communicate relevant information and ideas effectively to students, parents, and peers using the latest technology. Teachers as a whole should be open to these types of learning tools and how they can encompass a wide variety of not only learning techniques but teaching to the individual learning styles of each child.
Jessica M. Richardson (2012) Manipulate Cells on the iPad: Learning and Leading with Technology, 39(5), 39
Retrieved from http://www.iste.org/welcome.aspx
Sounds like a simulation. Simulations have been used by science teachers for a long time on personal computers and now on iPads. Research has shown positive impact on student learning when they are appropriately used. One key idea is that students do not just perform the steps and develop procedural understanding. They should also have the opportunity to understand the assumptions underlying the simulation.
Technology seems to be very important in science. The article and your accompanying blog give many good reasons as to why technology is important in school. If the students are unable to understand technology then they may not be able to keep up with the rest of the class. The technology also seems to foster the imagination of young students. The creativity of children is often suppressed in school, and it seems as though through technology, imagination in schools may flourish.