The article "Not an Expert? Thank Go Out and Find One!" talks about the digital age that teachers live in and how there is little hope keeping up with the speed at trends in science and technology. One of the key components of this article was the truthfulness that the educator shares with his students and that is that he is learning just as they are. As he puts it, the industry is just to progressive for any full time teacher to keep up with so why not find someone who is an expert it that particular field and use them to help fill in the gaps of his educational plan. Instead of faking it he uses subject matter experts (SMEs) for any given topic and uses them as consultants for his class. He then uses a short steaming video, stopping occasionally to discuss what they are learning. By the end of the lesson they have all learned something new together which also helps build class unity.
While looking into the future and thinking about how I will keep up with new information and new technology, I think this article shows how we can do it. Connecting with the kids through not only being honest but learning side by side, I believe will be a great way to connect with the students. With the use of steaming videos and the Internet search possibilities, the amount of information that is accessible today is greater than ever before. Experiencing learning through the Internet may be new to me but I'm sure that the kids of today are already using the Internet to access information, why shouldn't we. They will be able to see first hand about life long learning and how when you don't know something or are not proficient at it, that there are resources out there to help you get the knowledge you desire.
This article seems to represent the NETS standards number 3 which Model Digital Age Work and Learning. As teachers we need to learn how to use the current technology available and find ways to transfer the information to our students through creative learning and teaching. it describes being able to communicate relevant information or ideas to to not only our student but to peers and parents alike. Being able to collaborate with students at the same time using new technology or resources that is available is another keep component. The last important point for NETS standard number 3 is to "Model and facilitate effective use of current and emerging digital tools to locate, analyze, evaluate, and use information resources to support research and learning. I think the last one really sums it up and shows our students not only how to find information but how we can all use it together a learning tool.
Bill Heldman (2011) Not an Expert? Than Go Out and Find One! Learning and Leading with Technology, 39(1), 30
Retrieved from http://www.iste.org/welcome.aspx
Can you post a link to the article you have reviewed so I can click on it and read it for myself? :)Thx!
ReplyDeleteI agree that it is almost impossible for a teacher, or almost anyone outside of the technology field to keep up with all of the new technologies. I do have an opinion that greatly differs from yours, because I feel that teachers do not need to keep up with all of the growing technologies. Technology is not a key component in education, teachers are. I feel the emphasis being placed on new technology greatly devalues the teacher. An emphasis on technology also leaves out many students from lower economic backgrounds because those students can not afford computers or the internet at home.